Wim Delvoye
"For his series titled "Pneu", Belgian artist Wim Delvoye created a series of decorative objects by hand-carving intricate patterns and floral motifs on used car tires. Through his manipulation of found objects, Delvoye transforms things that seem useful in everyday life into sculptural pieces that carry a different value from their original intended purpose. Delvoye calls his own approach to art ‘glocal’, referring to ‘local’ and ‘global’, which is his own ironical way of describing art."
These types of work are important, they show the value that waste object have and i think teach resourcefulness. Using found object and recycling has always been something I've been interested in and im glad too see contemporary artist tap into this amazing gold mine of resources. There is an abundance of materials out there, so much so it makes you think, why use new things?
Cal Lane
Another artist who has a resourceful gene, Cal Lane uses a plasma cutter to imprint lace like decorations on objects like shovels, oil tanks, wheel barrows and car doors, which transforms a normally strong heavy object into something more gentle, light and feminine.
Resourcefulness for me a really important skill to have as an artist. I appreciate work that utilizes unwanted materials and reforms them into something new. Techniques like collage and sculpture work well with this.
Lorenzo Duran